Die Dadai isch vun Wikimedia Commons unn konn a wuonaschda bnuzd werre.
Ä Bschraiwung finschd Dadaibschraiwungssaid unne.
BschraiwungGarry, Dan January 2017.jpg
English: Photo for the Wikimedia Foundation staff and contractors page.
Myleen Hollero Photography
Myleen Hollero
This work was created by Myleen Hollero. Copyright in this work is either owned/co-owned by the Wikimedia Foundationor the content has been licensed to the Wikimedia Foundation. The uploader asserts that they are acting as an agent for the Wikimedia Foundation in uploading this content. In reusing this media under the specified license, please attribute the creator.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required.See Commons:Licensing.
Zuschraiwung: Myleen Hollero / Wikimedia Foundation
Des Weag deaf vunda
Deele – Die Eawed, kobiare, vadeele unn waidagewwe
nai zoamemigse – Onde Eawed ännare unn schaffe
Unnade Bedinguge:
Zuschraiwung – Mugschde Noame vunde Audore odda Lizensgewwa inde Aad unn Wais, wieses wolln waidagewwe (awwa nedd so, dasses so ausseje dud, als deda disch odda doi Vawendung vunde Eawed unnaschdidze).
Waidagawb unna glaische Bdingunge – Wonn oam lizeziade Weag odda den lizeziade Inhald schaffschd, s'nnaschd odda schunschdwie fa aischenes Schaffe vawenne duschd, konschd die naije Weag un Inhalde nua unna Lizenzbedingunge waidagewwe, wu midde denne Lizenzvadräsch do vadreschlisch sinn.