Fär was, bidde, hoschdn Du die Dadai "Place Jean Paul II Metz.jpg" geleschd? Määnsch ned, es wär bessa, so ebbes ohne schdärzende Linie zu hen??? Des is ned aa "now commons". Soll ich des jezad aach mid "now commens" lesche? Was soll där Uusinn? Odda konsch Du ned sien, dos monsche schbeziell die schdärzede hen welle un onnan ned?

So is des fär misch ned de richdisch Weech!

--Skipper Michael- Diskussion 13:37, 14. Jun 2011 (CEST)Beantworten

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your language at all. Can you please translate it in english ?
--Hercule 18:09, 14. Jun 2011 (CEST)Beantworten
@Skipper Michael Isch weeß jo nedd was gleschd worre iss, awwa die Dadai iss noch do: Datei:Place Jean Paul II Metz.jpg. --Ora Unu 00:35, 15. Jun 2011 (CEST)Beantworten
@Ora Unu: Wieda! --Skipper Michael- Diskussion 02:01, 15. Jun 2011 (CEST)Beantworten
@Hercule: So if you don't understand at all, why are you here? And - why do you delete? "now commens" ??? Sorry, no! That was not "now commens"! I've loaded down the Original from wp:de and worked on it and uploaded an other version here - and I did do it correct with the Name of the Photograph and with my name for changing and upload. and under the same license.
Can't you see the difference between crossing lines and paralleles? between long and short? between exakt and deformed? between amateur and professional result? Or do you think, what universities and mastershipclasses of handworkers teach about achitekture-photos, all this were nonsense?
Sorry, but this is not the right way! Here we use to delete at once only in case of true vandalism or violation of rights of a third person - in all other cases at least we do ask and try to clear up the situation with the author / user.
--Skipper Michael- Diskussion 02:01, 15. Jun 2011 (CEST)Beantworten